Electrical and Instrumentation Quality Controller


Urgent Requirement :- Electrical and Instrumentation Quality Controller
Shipyard, Shipbuilding, Oil and Gas Experience mandatory for this position
Job Location :- Qatar
Qualification :- ITI or Diploma in Electriacal Engineering
EXPERIENCE:- Minimum 3 Years of Relevant Experience
JD :-
1) Perform verification of, but not limited to electrical drawings, cable schedules, termination drawings, equipment layout, fabrication and installation drawings
2) Brief the quality aspects of the electrical design elements and take necessary follow up actions with marine electricians and other skilled workers for compliance as required.
3) Follow up with trades and carry out inspections during all
4) Monitor and report any issues and delays promptly works
5) Introduce traceability of materials and periodic inspections.
6) Apply general engineering principles and sound judgment to ensure work process, systems and outputs such as services and products comply with the codes and standards.
7) Reviews work policy and procedures on regular basis.
8) Performs any other duties and responsibilities assigned

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